
Hubert Sieczka
Software developer

As an experienced self-taught Python developer skilled in multiple frameworks, with a well-established background in collaborative project environments, including 5 years of experience in agile, cross-functional development teams, I am excited to apply my skills and contribute to your team’s work towards innovative solutions.

Skills and courses

Programming Skills

Languages: Python, HTML, CSS
Frameworks: Django, Django REST Framework, FastAPI, Flask, Bootstrap
Version Control: Git, Github

Development and tools

DevOps: Docker, AWS, GCP, Github Actions
Data management: SQL (Postgres, MySQL), NoSQL (Redis, MongoDB), JSON, XML, CSV
Testing Postman, Unittest, Selenium, Pytest

Concepts & other

Project management: Jira, Trello, Agile, Scrum, Kanban
Concepts: Object-oriented programming (OOP), Test-driven development (TDD), RESTful API, Microservices Architecture

Softskills and languages

Softskills: Analytical thinking, teamwork, communication, growth mindest, problem ownership
Spoken Languages: Polish - native, English - C1, Spanish - A2

Completed Python Core course by

Python Core course

JetBrains Logo (Main) logo.

Study hours





Completed Python Core course provided by JetBrains - provider of PyCharm, IntelliJ IDEA, and other IDEs. Course included 23 projects and covered 223 topics :

  • Fundamentals of Programming and Computer Science: Covered core concepts including algorithms, data structures, and principles of software design and development.
  • DevOps Practices: Learned the basics of DevOps, including CI/CD, and infrastructure management.
  • Data Management: Gained understanding of both relational and non-relational databases, along with skills in data analysis and processing.
  • Quality Assurance and Testing: Acquired knowledge of QA methodologies, test-driven development (TDD), and practical experience with software testing.
  • Code Maintenance: Developed skills in code debugging, logging, and documentation to maintain and improve software quality and readability.

Feautured Projects

Jobseeker - AI powered Job Application Tracking

Python Django AWS Docker PostgreSQL OpenAI API uWSGI nginx Certbot HTMX HTML/CSS Bootstrap

An organizational tool aimed to make job hunting more efficient. This app allows users to track and organize job applications. It leverages AI technology to provide users with valuable insights on job applications.

  • Job Application Management: Implemented record creation, updates, filtering, and user authentication and authorization for a comprehensive and secure job hunting tool.
  • Secure and Scalable Architecture: Developed Docker-based solution with Django as backend, nginx as proxy web traffic handling, and Certbot for SSL certifications deployed on Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud ensuring security, availability, and scalability of services.
  • API AI Integration: Utilized the OpenAI API to analyze job applications and suggest resources for skill development, key skillset, sample interview questions, enhancing user value.
  • Data Management: Leveraged PostgreSQL on Amazon RDS for robust and efficient data operations.
  • Frontend Development: Utilized Bootstrap and HTMX for a dynamic, user-friendly interface.

Language Buddies - Social Platform for Language Learning

Python Django MySQL Docker HTML/CSS Bootstrap

A web app offering user-generated chat rooms for language enthusiasts to practice and interact.

  • Full CRUD & Authentication: Implemented secure and flexible user interactions with CRUD operations for users, profiles, rooms, and messages.
  • Search & Filtering: Enhanced user experience with room filtering by language, topic, or host.
  • User-Centric Features: Integrated an avatar generator and user profiles, along with an activity feed, to personalize the user experience and promote community engagement.
  • Efficient Data Management and Deployment: Leveraged PythonAnywhere-hosted MySQL for robust data operations and ensured consistent, reliable service by deploying the application on the PythonAnywhere PaaS.
  • User Experience and Design: Improved language learning by offering an enjoyable practice platform, and enhanced user accessibility with a modern, user-friendly interface designed with Bootstrap.

Codewards Adder

Python Tkinter CodeWars API JSON

UI-based Python application that syncs with the Codewars REST API to organize coding solutions for challenges.

  • Using the os and regex modules, it organizes users' solutions for code challenges into files and directories.
  • Fetching data about Codewars code challenges from the Codewars REST API.
  • Offers a simple Graphic User Interface created with the Tkinter module.
  • Based on the root directory, it enables the display of statistics for completed challenges.

Heat Pump selection app - in development..

Python Django DRF PostgreSQL React Azure Microsoft SQL server

A collaborative freelance project aimed at automating the selection of heat pumps for clients.

  • Collaborated with a team of four during the planning and designing stages of the app.
  • Working in a team of two on the development of the backend logic of the app.
  • The desired goal is to streamline the heat pump selection process for a renewable energy company and automate the creation of necessary documents.

PEP8 - Static code analyzer


A Python tool for ensuring code quality by scanning for common PEP8 styling mistakes in a file or directory.

  • Uses regex and Python's Abstract Syntax Tree for scanning code for PEP8 styling issues.
  • Elevates code quality through strong adherence to OOP principles and well-documented code.
  • Provides alerts for PEP8 issues such as line length, indentation, comment spacing, preceding blank spaces, following naming conventions, and invalid class or function construction.

TicTacToe with AI - command line game


A command-line game that incorporates three levels of AI players, providing an engaging gaming experience.

  • Implemented an unbeatable hard-level AI player by implementing the Minimax AI recursive algorithm.
  • Strongly adheres to OOP principles.

About me

img from office

My name is Hubert Sieczka,

a Polish programmer living in Bilbao.

I am a self-taught Python software developer with a background in electrical systems design. My programming journey began in 2020, driven by a passion for learning new skills, a growth mindset, and a love for problem-solving.

In my professional work, I enjoy collaborative environments where teamwork and brainstorming lead to collectively developed solutions. Outside of work, I dedicate time to self-development and continuous learning. I also enjoy hiking, doing sports, gaming, and spending time with friends and family.


Professional python developer

Career is loading up...

During three years of learning Python I have finished dozens of projects, completed JetBrains Academy program and gained valuable skills and hands-on practice. Now, I'm ready to take the next step and start a professional career to continue my growth. I am excited to help build great software and contribute to a team's success!


Started learning Python

Fascinated by IT and feeling the need to automate repetitive tasks in my electrical design job, I was drawn to Python. I dove into the 'Automate the Boring Stuff with Python, tackled CodeWars challenges, and wrote my first programs. Excited about Python, problem-solving by code and the number of resources available I strengthened my knowledge foundations, explored Python frameworks, and started the JetBrains Academy course.


Electrical System Designer

Started working in cross-functional teams, completing 22 large-scale projects for major companies in Poland ensuring an integrated and efficient design solution through effective communication and teamwork. Exceeded on-time project completion rate by 20%. Helped to implement modern work tools and agile methodologies in the team. Supervised and successfully coached 4 new employees through effective guidance and support. Volunteered to plan, set up, and test the remote work environment.

Let's connect!